I believe man controls his Destiny....I believe everything is in God's hands as well....
I believe that everything happens for a Reason...I believe it's not always Obvious as well....
I believe good things happen to Good People....I believe good things happen to Bad People as well...
I believe in All that's Good....I believe in Everything else as well....
I believe in Clenching to things you want to keep....I believe in Letting Go as well....
I believe nothing comes Easy....I believe nothing is Impossible as well....
I believe in living the Moment....I believe in preparing for the Future as well...
I believe that there is a everlasting Afterlife....I believe this Life is worth living as well...
I believe the past is History....I believe history should be Analyzed as well....
I believe I'm happy....I believe I should be as well....
I believe friends are hard to find....I believe they can come easy as well....
I believe in trying new things...I believe in having the usual as well....
I believe Egypt is the most beautiful country on Earth....I believe there's plenty of room for improvement as well...
I believe in the power of the individual....I believe in the power of the society as well...
I believe in the power of love....I believe in it's destructing nature as well....
I believe that you should always be yourself....I believe you should adapt to the surroundings as well....
I believe there are no limits....I believe there always are as well....
I believe in simplicity....I believe in complexity as well...
I believe timing is everything....I believe it's never too late as well...
I believe in Scouting....I believe in MUN as well....
I believe I am crazy….I believe I am as sane as can be as well….
I believe nothing is Perfect….I believe nothing is 100% flawed as well….
I believe in Science….I believe life is man’s greatest teacher as well….
I believe Life’s Good….I believe it always is and will be as well….
I believe Happiness lies in One’s own hands….I believe it lies in no one else’s as well….
I believe I have the Right to Believe….I believe I am obliged to as well…
I Know I Believe….I believe I Believe as well....
Over....Wa domtom....
This is like a better version of the song affirmation by savage garden! download and listen to it! persistence, perseverance and faith = omar yousry.
I believe too
take off all the "as wells" !!
I believe its Destroying** and not destructing**!! as Well...-_-
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