Saturday, June 27, 2009

Women can’t/shouldn’t Drive

----Maybe something more deep and meaningful was expected, but as I said before, no expectations. It’s my mind that is control here….!!----

----This was intended to be a post with several small thoughts, yet the topic was occupying a greater part of my thoughts than I perceived :D----

---This article is talking about car drivers, not bus, microbus, minibus, motorcycle, bicycle, metro, train, plane…etc. The main focus is the Egyptian roads, cars and traffic. ---

'Women can’t and shouldn’t drive.' That’s a proven fact no one can deny; deepest apologies to all female drivers out there. I get really nervous and worried when I am sitting in a car with a female behind the wheel, I feel like I’m sitting on a bomb ready to explode any minute. I know this probably sounds rude and very offensive, but ‘I come in peace’ really!!

Be it my mother or sister, a friend or a stranger; all the same. Very rarely when I remember sitting next to a female driver and being comfortable. You would say it’s just me…and we all agree about the fact that I’m crazy and all….not this time though!

Proof….ok. Let’s begin with something that very interesting.
I was in my first week, just outside the building where I’m staying in Brussels (that’s in Belgium…Europe!!). So there was this small city car, a VW Golf I think, parking. And the driver was, you guessed, a girl in her 20s. So she wasn’t 70 years old nor were there kids on her lap, but she still managed to hit the car behind her while parking….Twice!!

Kids playing around, talking on the mobile, chatting with someone beside her (eye to eye), getting something from the back seat, looking at a billboard or deciding to turn left a little to late or early!!! In Egypt, you don’t have to be a genius to spot a woman driving.

I’m not saying that men can drive without mistakes, or that they stop to get something from the back seat or never speak on the mobile while driving, they do. However the difference lies in the frequency, the driving concentration level and the percentage. If a man get's distracted once a day, the female is distracted all the day. If a guy deciedes he took a wrong turn and act late occasionally, that's a normal driving procedure for a girl. When a Man does something stupid, and pulls his hand outside the window for apologizing, he knows quite well that the woman he's aplogizing to should have done that a dozen times that day already.

It sometimes seems they are not the drivers the car (women i mean), but the other way round. Seems like it’s a struggle about who’s the boss, a race to be in charge, and the car is miles ahead!! Why is it that most women can’t park, don’t understand the concept of one-way roads and have problems when the car is on reverse?? For God’s sake women should turn their head back while driving backwards!! It’s ABC driving….mirrors are not enough!!! Maho law kol wa7ed beya7’od el ro7’sa beyemte7en sewa2aa….there would have been no need for me to be writing this, because there would be practically ZERO women driving cars!!

Not to mention that in general driving skills, men are way better than women. Using breaks, handling car problems, usage of gas….you name it. That is normal, however that makes a difference. And maybe that explains why we see the Hyundai Matrix in the streets a lot. The car is a disaster by itself, and with a female driving it, I can't seem to think of a worse situation if you are talking roads. Fathers say to their children who newly started to drive, “ 7’aly balaak mel microbasaat, we betoo3 el Delivery, we el 3arabeyaat el matrix 7’osoosaan law say2ahaa set”. We I’m not making that up!!!

Can some women drive? Yes. Do some Women drive better than men? Yes. Should there be a different driving test for women? YES. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not being sexist. It’s just that women are more prone to emotions, they react differently, and maybe that’s not really good for driving….

If we can say 20% of men drivers who shouldn’t drive, then for women drivers there would be 20% who should drive!!


If I was in charge, I would deny women driving for safety reasons, sacrificing the 20% that can drive for the sake of general wellbeing of the Egyptian society.....

Over…Wa Domtom…


Salma Amer said...

I guess I won't be checking this blog anymore! You tried to balance the whole thing by writing the last words.. Yes some women can be better drivers than men.. But seriously man.. U R SEXIST!

Menna Ahdy said...

look i agree with it, women might not be as good drivers as men, but its not because of them being women...
its just bec they have a higher tendency to emotionally react to situtations...
and NO i wldnt stop all women from driving, coz by depriving them from that u r being a sexist!

Abdelrahman Nasser said...

Actually, I don't think that problem is with the gender of the person driving, the problem is people don't follow or respect street laws! Especially males? And actually, I don't think the problem with women, they just can't compete with what we men do :) we 3alshan keda beylbesoh fee el 7eet!

Abdallah Soliman said...

3ala Nafseha Ganat Barakesh :)

Anonymous said...

You are just plain our retarded and your whole blog represents the bad qualities of being an Egyptian Arab, if you think you are the future you are so very wrong....

You need to start doing some soul searching and and be more humane instead of your craze to "success"...

Anonymous said...

esfokhs 3aleek ya ragel...ba2a enta wa7ed mota3alem?? akhrak fala7 hehe

Anonymous said...

la ya ragel 7aram el falla7 nafso beye3mel elly 3aleeh we zereefo gat keda..bas enno shakhs zay el blogger da ye2ool el kalam da...Masr feeee ma2zeQ!!!